
SMA China 2019 Annual Meeting – 2 Days & 1 Night Photovoltaic Island Tour Comes to a Successful Conclusion.

SMA China 2019 Annual Meeting has been held in Yangzhong, Zhenjiang, which is known as Photovoltaic Island. The itinerary of the annual meeting was based on the idea of „cruise tour“. The whole route was divided into three major theme sites, namely, „1, 2, 3! World Tour” theme activities, 2018 Commendation and “ Morality• Talent• Achievement“ Dinner, and „Modern Production Center“ Visit Tour. The whole tour was last for two days and one night, and activitieswere truly colorful and exciting.

The first station: “1,2,3!“World Tour „theme activities 
The theme activities of the first station were arranged at the Yangzhong Cultural and Sports Center. The activities were carried out in the form of fun games and named after the names of countries all over the world, such as: German Hercules (billiards), Brazilian Football (live-action table football) and so on, therewere a total of six programs, the company leaders and colleagues together participate in the activities and nearly 300 people were divided into 12 groups for PK in turns, and the person who obtains the highest scores would be the winner. 
Shouting on the playground, passion and sweat, for fun and unity. 

The second station: 2018 Commendation and “ Morality• Talent• Achievement” Dinner
The second-station event was held at the Yangzhong Firth Jinling Grand Hotel. The event was divided into two parts: the 2018 “Eagle Cup” Award Ceremony and the Theme Dinner. Dr. Zhang Yong, President and General Manager of the Company, delivered a New Year’s speech at the ceremony. In his speech, General Manager Zhang talked about the company’s medium and long-term development goals and directions, and also planned the focus and small targets of our work in the near future. We firmly believe that under the leadership of General Manager Zhang, we will work together with the company towards a better future. 

Eagle means the elite, the goal of each eagle is the sky, to be outstanding, and leading the world. At the 2018 “Eagle Cup” Award Ceremony, awards were presented to 11 top ten Eagle employees, 1 Excellence Eagle employee and 2 Eagle Teams from different centers and positions, to thank them for their hard work over the past year, and also to motivate all employees to respect their jobs and live up to their youth. 

“ Morality• Talent• Achievement“ Dinner & the 2019 Spring Festival Gala The gala was conducted in the form of self-directed and self-performed by the employees, during which employees drink and laugh together.

Lucky draw

The third station: „Modern Production Center“ Visit Activities 
On the second day of Photovoltaic island tour, people would be arranged to visit the upgraded and transformed SMA Yangzhong Manufacturing Base. You could have a better experience and appreciated the intelligent manufacturing style.

Wish everyone
A happy Spring Festival, Happy Family and Good Luck, and May all Your Wishes Come True.

Looking forward to meeting you again next year